Octagona Srl/Internationalization News/Call for Digital Transformation of Enterprise - The MISE in support of SMEs
Call for Digital Transformation of Enterprise - The MISE in support of SMEs

Call for Digital Transformation of Enterprise - The MISE in support of SMEs

Movement restrictions they have in fact determined new needs both for consumers, who have responded to this situation by increasing online purchases, and for the companies themselves, che hanno dovuto utilizzare sempre più nuove tecnologie e strumenti digitali per permettere la continuità aziendale. 

E’ in quest’ottica che viene presentato il bando del MISE a supporto della Digital Transformation d’Impresa! 

They will be eligible for funding everyone projects that will have as their objective the technological and digital transformation of company production processes, mediante l’implementazione di:

1. Technologies previously identified by the National Business Plan 4.0, ossia Advanced Manufacturing Solutions, Additive Manufacturing, Realtà Aumentata, Simulation, Integrazione Orizzontale e Verticale, Industrial Internet, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Big Data e Analytics

2. Technologies related to digital technological solutions of the supply chain, aimed at:

optimization of the management of Distribution chain and the management of relations with the various actors
– implementazione di software
– piattaforme e applicazioni digitali per la gestione e il logistics coordination con elevate caratteristiche di integrazione delle attività di servizio
– sistemi di ecommerce, systems of mobile payment and via the internet, Fintech, Electronic systems for the data exchange, Geolocalizzazione, Tecnologie per l’In-store customer experience, technologies for l’automazione dei processi, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Internet Of Things

The incentives are aimed at all SMEs and business associations in the manufacturing sector and/or direct services to manufacturing companies in the sector tourism and trade.

The concessions will go to support projects from valore minimo di 50.000€ fino a un valore massimo di 500.000€. Il contributo è pari al 50% delle spese ammissibili di cui:

– 10% a fondo perduto
– 40% finanziamento agevolato, senza interessi per un massimo di 7 anni

Interested companies can submit the application from 15 December 2020.


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