Octagona Srl/Internationalization News/Find out how to do business in India and Vietnam in the Unindustria Pordenone workshop!
Find out how to do business in India and Vietnam in the Unindustria Pordenone workshop!

Find out how to do business in India and Vietnam in the Unindustria Pordenone workshop!

India and Vietnam represent today two of the most interesting and important destinations for the business of Italian companies. The Subcontinent is going through an extraordinary phase of economic development: according to estimates, Indian GDP should reach +7.8%, +7.9% and +8.1% in the three-year period 2019/2021 and Vietnam will also experience a decline in the next stable increase process that oscillates between +6.5% and +6.7%. The growth of the middle class of the two countries, the progressive increase in domestic consumption and the reform program implemented by both governments to attract foreign investments represent development drivers that make the two particularly attractive markets for foreign companies.

In order to best illustrate the real potential of India and Vietnam, L'Industrial Union of Pordenone organize a follow-up seminar, within an overall cycle of 4 events on various international markets: the event on the two Asian countries will take place on January 29th, starting at 2 pm, in the Conference Room of Unindustria Pordenone (Piazzetta del Portello 2, Pordenone).

About that, the association will avail itself of the support of Octagona (agency which has been operating in the internationalization sector for 17 years and has 3 direct offices in India and 2 in Vietnam): Alessandro Fichera, Managing Director of the group, will delve into the methods, dynamics of access, business opportunities and characteristics of the markets in question within the workshop, which will be characterized by a highly operational approach.

There participation at the conference is free: to register you can click here. For further information on the event you can contact the Secretariat of the Internationalization Area on the telephone number 0434.526494 or to the email address [email protected].

If you want to know more about Octagona's activities in India and Vietnam, contact the telephone number 059.9770184 or send an email to the address [email protected]: you will receive all the information you need.

Read also: Unindustria Bologna in India: let's meet the associated companies


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