Octagona Srl/Internationalization News/To become an internationalization expert enroll in the NIBI Master!
To become an internationalization expert enroll in the NIBI Master!

To become an internationalization expert enroll in the NIBI Master!

Today is fundamental for companies that want to sell abroad have one specific knowledge about internationalization and emerging markets. For this reason, starting from next January 20, 2017, will start oneighth edition of theExecutive Master for Business Internationalization organized by NIBI, New International Business Institute created by Chamber of Commerce of Milan and promos.

The Executive master's degree, facing to all those professionals that they intend to update and acquire specific skills about internationalization issues and what they want start new development activities abroad, And structured in three different phases and offers a 412-hour course, with the opportunity to explore 3 geographical areas of strategic interest. The Executive Master has annual duration and takes place at Milanon a biweekly basis.

In particular:

  • there first phase is structured in functional modules that allow you to examine all aspects involved in internationalization processes (market analysis, entry strategies, contracts and tax issues, marketing plan, etc.);
  • There second phase is dedicated toin-depth analysis of the main foreign markets with modules dedicated to the economic context;
  • There third stage is dedicated to Project Work, i.e. the drafting of an international business project.

Also on this occasion, NIBI entrusted Octagona with the management of teaching relating to India. Octagona in fact, which has 15 years of experience on internationalization issues and is a supplier accredited by the Ministry of Economic Development, the Emilia Romagna Region and the Lombardy Region for the provision of services of this type, is present in India through two direct offices in New Delhi and Bangalore, and is able to support companies in an internationalization process within that market.

To download the brochure with all the information relating to the Master click here.

To download the Master's programme, click here.

If you want to become an internationalization expert too contact us immediately to the telephone number 059.9770184 or by email at [email protected]: all those who enroll through Octagona will be able to take advantage of a 15% discount on the cost of the Master!

What are you waiting for? Don't miss the opportunity to do business abroad!



Do you want to become an internationalization expert? Join the Master CORCE Fausto de Franceschi!

Export Management: new masters coming soon


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