Americans love beautiful things from Italy, and in particular fashion and textile products, as it is able to incorporate and transmit what they most seek from the Bel Paese: culture. However, Italy's positioning in the States is still lower than potential and, therefore, growth in the 50 American federal states represents a great opportunity for local companies of the beautiful and well made.
The United States is in fact the largest consumer market in the world with a GDP of over $ 21,000 billion and 333 million people. Household spending is the highest in the world, accounting for more than a quarter of global household consumption. Furthermore, the US market is the first in the world in relation to families with annual disposable income of at least 300,000 dollars, and this makes it the main market for luxury and medium-high-end goods.
Between 2013 and 2022, Italian products have already conquered a larger share of American imports in most of the sectors that have made Made in Italy famous, in particular food, clothing and home textiles, footwear and eyewear. Italian clothing exports to the United States they continued to show a growth trend over the last twenty years, testifying to the notoriety and recognized quality of the products deriving from Italian manufacturing.
Analyzing the statistics, it can be observed that clothes, both men's and women's, are particularly popular in the United States, with export values exceeding $700 million. In the women's clothing sector, Italy has positioned itself among the main exporters to the USA.
In order to successfully export clothing items to the United States, you need to be aware of the specific documentation required and the rules governing this type of trade. First, in addition to the standard documentation required for US Customs, which certifies the characteristics of imported products, it is important to have additional documents for each product. If a product is not completely manufactured in Italy and falls within the scope of Multi-Fiber Arrangements, you must have documentation for exporting this specific category of products.
Additionally, whenever a textile product is imported into the United States, it is mandatory to declare the country of origin. This declaration can be drawn up by the manufacturer, producer, exporter or importer. In case more than one party is involved in the import, each of them must produce a separate declaration, indicating the name and address of their company. It is important to underline that the "country of origin" does not indicate the last country in which the product transited, but the country in which the main assembly phases were carried out.
Speaking of import charges, it is obvious that you will need to pay duties when importing into the United States. Import duties vary greatly based on the quality and composition of the clothing items. There are also a series of rules and restrictions to respect to avoid seizure of products at customs or financial penalties. The main restrictions concern the flammability of the articles, which must comply with the standards established by Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) based on the Flammable Fabrics Act (FFA).
The U.S. market is large and open, and the typical U.S. consumer is receptive to both domestic and imported brands. If you are interested in exporting your clothing products to the United States and would like more information on how to do so, contact us: we will study the best solution with you.
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