Octagona Srl/Internationalization News/India bans the use of single-use plastic: what changes for exporting companies
India bans the use of single-use plastic: what changes for exporting companies

India bans the use of single-use plastic: what changes for exporting companies


As part of a federal crackdown on single-use plastics, India has banned the production, distribution and use of single-use plastic for 19 items that generate waste, including plastic cups, straws and cigarette wrap. Firmly intent on enforcing these rules, New Delhi will announce further measures shortly.

Indian and/or Italian companies operating on Indian soil will have to comply with the new rules banning single-use plastic starting from 1 July 2022. Failure to comply will result in criminal consequences.

The plastic packaging waste will now need to be collected and managed in an environmentally sustainable manner through extended producer responsibility (EPR), importer and brand owner. The ban on single-use plastic will be closely monitored by central and state pollution control boards and directives have been issued at national, state and local levels not to supply raw materials to industries operating with the banned items.


What are the new single use plastic regulations in India?


According to the rules issued, starting July 1, 2022 The production, import, storage, distribution, sale and use of single-use plastic products, including polystyrene and expanded polystyrene, will be prohibited. These products include:

– Plastic ear sticks, plastic balloon sticks, plastic flags, candy sticks, ice cream sticks, styrofoam for decorations. Furthermore, all those products made of disposable plastic which concern plates, cups, glasses, cutlery such as forks, spoons, knives, straws, trays, films for packaging sweet boxes, invitation cards must also be included in the new ban. and cigarette packets, plastic or PVC banners smaller than 100 microns, agitators;

– Furthermore, the government issued directives at the national, state and local level not to supply raw materials to industries that work with the prohibited items. In addition to this, starting from 31 December 2022, the thickness of plastic transport bags will have to be increased from 75 to 120 microns to allow their reuse. The MoEFCC had already banned polythene bags below 75 microns in September 2021, widening the limit from the previous 50 microns. There is already a blanket ban on sachets using plastic material to package, store or sell pan masala, gutkha and tobacco.


What are the consequences of violating the plastics ban directives?


Those responsible for violating the above directives will be punished under the Environmental Protection Act 1986, which provides a prison sentence of up to five years or a fine of up to INR 100,000, or both. In addition, there are municipal laws on plastic waste, which also have their own penalties.


What changes for Italian companies that export to India


With the ban on single use plastics in India Italian companies that export to this country must also comply starting from 1 July 2022. This is a ban destined to change the foreign trade of companies that use, directly or indirectly, single-use plastic: it is therefore necessary to have a defined strategy and correct planning to address the progressive technological and ecological change in the best possible way of India.

It is important to adapt to the legislation as quickly as possible, not only to avoid incurring sanctions which we have seen are heavy, but also to stay ahead of the competition. In this way, companies that do not waste time will show themselves as modern and in full compliance with the laws in force, thus obtaining a competitive advantage and a significant return on image.

Octagona can support you in this delicate process and provide assistance for a rapidly growing country like India. With our experience in Internationalization and the team with direct presence in India in three different offices, we can be the ideal partner for your company. If you want to find out what steps to take and want advice from an expert then call us or write to us by clicking on the button below.



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