Octagona Srl/SPAIN

Selling in Spain

Despite the economic crises that have occurred in recent years, trade relations between Spain and Italy have never wavered, ensuring sbocchi per l’export e destinazioni accattivanti per gli investimenti.

Partial data relating to the first half of 2023 show that Spain is ranked as fourth market for Italian exports in the world, with a weight of 5.3% compared to the total.
Si potrebbe proprio dire che l’economia spagnola e quella italiana siano per molti aspetti complementari: l’industria automobilistica spagnola, infatti, si appoggia ampiamente sulla componentistica automotive italiana.

Despite the economic crises that have occurred in recent years, trade relations between Spain and Italy have never wavered, ensuring sbocchi per l’export e destinazioni accattivanti per gli investimenti.

Partial data relating to the first half of 2023 show that Spain is ranked as fourth market for Italian exports in the world, with a weight of 5.3% compared to the total.
Si potrebbe proprio dire che l’economia spagnola e quella italiana siano per molti aspetti complementari: l’industria automobilistica spagnola, infatti, si appoggia ampiamente sulla componentistica automotive italiana.

Perché dovresti espanderti in Spagna

I punti di forza dell’economia spagnola che rendono il paese una destinazione accattivante per i tuoi investimenti sono:

  • Prime location for key markets in Latin America and North Africa
  • Favorable business climate:
  • Intense economic and commercial ties with Italy
  • Communications facilitated by modern transport and logistics infrastructures

What to sell in the Spanish market

The product categories to focus on to successfully enter this market are:

  • Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers
  • Chemical products
  • Machinery and equipment
  • Metallurgy products
  • Computer and electronic and optical products; electromedical devices, measuring devices and watches
  • Other means of transport (ships and boats, locomotives and rolling stock, aircraft and space vehicles, military vehicles)
  • Basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations

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