New successful operation for Octagona in Pune, India. The Emilia-based company, an important national point of reference in the internationalization sector as well as being an accredited supplier for the Ministry of Economic Development, for the Emilia-Romagna Region and for the Lombardy Region, inaugurated its third garrison in the Subcontinent, market within which it is already been present for 15 years thanks to the establishment of its first branch in New Delhi.
Last June 1st, Indeed, Octagona India has opened its new Pune office (metropolis located in the state of Maharashtra), further expanding its range of action and establishing itself in an even more capillary way in the country, just eight months after the opening of the Bangalore office.
It is a'particularly strategic operation: pune, with a population of 6 million and known as the "Oxford of the East" due to its important national role in education, is today theeighth largest economy in the country (among the metropolitan cities) and ranks sixth in terms of per capita income; pune it also represents one of the most important local production hubs, especially as regards the automotive, IT, engineering, food processing and chemical sectors and is located just over two hours from Mumbai (already manned by the Octagona team thanks to the presence of local personnel) and other important industrial cities such as Aurangabad and Nashik. Octagona India has deemed it appropriate to implement this operation on the basis of two different elements: the presence of a growing number of customers in Western India and over one hundred Italian companiesmainly operating in the manufacturing sector. Precisely in the light of these reasons and with theaim of further strengthening its position in the Subcontinent and following its Italian and international customers even more closely, Octagona India has identified Pune as the most suitable place in this area of India to locate a representative office.
Octagona India, which during these years he supported in the local market more than 300 companies, set up over fifty companies and led a dozen institutional projects, it can therefore count today on 3 direct offices (New Delhi, Bangalore and Pune) and 8 partner offices (Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Ludhiana, Chandigarh, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Dewas).
India is the market of the future. Among the large countries, it is the one with the highest rate of development, thanks to a average annual growth rate That between 2014 and 2019 it should come close to the 7.6% and the business opportunities present are enormous: the made in Italy, for example, it has all the necessary space to be able to start winning projects especially if we consider that our country is now only India's 24th trading partner globally. The Subcontinent, despite the strong growth, still presents obstacles and complexities: for this very reason, relying on a qualified local team that knows the market is a decisive choice to win in India.
If you more information about it and if you want to know more about operational activities of Octagona India and implement a successful project in India, contact us on the telephone number 059.9770184 or to the email address [email protected]: you will receive all the information you need.
The new Pune office is located at the following address: Level 9, Tower 2, World Trade Center – Opposite EON Free Zone, Kharadi – Pune 411014. The Pune office can be contacted on +91 20 4692 3666 or fax number: +91 20 4692 3777.
Octagona accompanies Mecvel Srl in India: new branch opened in New Delhi
Business Discovery Tour India, the new Octagona initiative to make you sell in India!
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