Octagona will participate in the study visit organized for the partners within the European project Compete In, intended to study best practices for the internationalization of territories and businesses, which also involves theUniversity of Modena and Reggio Emiliaas rapporteur.
Specifically, it is a three-day training that will take place at Reggio Emilia from 19 to 21 September, during which they will take place meetings and seminars whose theme is the facilitation of dialogue between SMEs interested in internationalizing and local institutional bodies. It is an interesting event, useful for illustrating how paths of penetration into foreign markets, attraction of talents and investments and development of international networks are created through training and educational courses based on the excellence of the local economy.
Alessandro Fichera, MD of Octagona, will hold a speech together with Prof. Giovanna Galli and Prof. Tiziano Bursi, both from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, about India Summer School, a project organized by the University itself in collaboration with Octagona 3 years ago, during which 25 students from different departments participated in a three-week summer residential course at Amity University, in India. The event, for anyone interested, will take place on the day September 19th from 15 to 16, at the Righi Srl company (via Monti Urali 32, Reggio Emilia)
For further information about the event and about ours activity operational andformative, contact us at the telephone number 059.9770184 or send an email to: [email protected]: you will receive all the information you need.
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