A new training appointment for Octagona in relation to Indian market. L’azienda, già fornitore accreditato per il Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, per la Regione Emilia-Romagna e per la Regione Lombardia per i servizi di internazionalizzazione e present in India for 15 years through direct offices (New Delhi and Bangalore), svolgerà degli interventi all’interno del seminario “Mercati ad alte performance per il made in Italy: strategie d’entrata in India”, organized by Atattiva.eu in collaboration with A-Marks Factory. Il seminario interaziendale si terrà a Padua in data giovedì October 27th at SB Hotel (Via S. Marco, 11/a).
L’India, after a period of slowdown in its economy, resumed its path of strong development (expected growth for 2016: +7.6%) and today is configured as the più importante destinazione asiatica in termini di volumi e potenzialità di crescita. Grazie all’attuazione di una serie di riforme economiche, the Subcontinent is once again attracting the attention of international investors and many international analysts even anticipate an overtaking of China.
Based on these premises, it becomes appropriate to ask quali opportunità commerciali e di investimento ci possano essere per le imprese venete all’interno del mercato indiano: goal of the seminar, so, supply to participating companies the necessary tools to approach adequately such market and implement a successful project.
In particular, Octagona's interventions, edited by Alessandro Fichera (Managing Director of Octagona) e Marco Zolli (Associate Consultant di Octagona e Direttore del Master IGAMI dell’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia) they will focus on:
For more information in merito al seminario è possibile contattare il numero telefonico 0422.320200 o inviare una email all’indirizzo: [email protected].
If you want to know more about Octagona and on nostre attività operative e formative, contact us by email at [email protected] or at the telephone number 059.9770184: you will receive all the information you need.
Octagona talks about Indonesia in the Confindustria Modena seminar
Unindustria Bologna in India: let's meet the associated companies
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