For over twenty years Octagona has had the goal of helping companies expand beyond national borders. In a world that continues to become more and more digitized, it is not possible to ignore all the possibilities that are offered on the markets today, if you want to get the maximum benefit from your activities. By subscribing to the Octagona Newsletter, you will always be up to date on everything that happens in the field of internalisation, such as new opportunities and opportunities not to be missed to significantly increase your business. Whatever sector you operate in, our communications will be useful and profitable for you.
Octagona Srl with sole shareholder
Via Giovanni Falcone, 3
41012 Carpi (MO) - Italy
PHONE: +39 059 9770184
FAX: : +39 059 9770186
E-MAIL: [email protected]
PEC: [email protected]
VAT: 02969820360
REA: 346906