Octagona Srl/Internationalization News/Start your export project thanks to the funding of the Veneto Region!
Start your export project thanks to the funding of the Veneto Region!

Start your export project thanks to the funding of the Veneto Region!

Starting at 10am on February 24th, SMEs based in the Veneto region will be able to start filling out the application to access funding made available by the Veneto Region (equal to 3 million euros) per l’acquisto di differenti tipologie di servizi export; le aziende interessate avranno tempo fino alle ore 17 del 19 marzo per compilare la domanda, mentre per la presentazione della stessa i termini si apriranno dalle ore 10 del 24 marzo fino alle ore 17 del 26 marzo. La evaluation procedure will be at the counter


Le attività di cui potranno avvalersi le aziende riguardano:

  • promotional planning services;
  • strategic planning services;
  • regulatory and contractual support services;
  • specialist support services through the involvement of a Temporary Export Manager.


  • Intensità: From 30% to 50%, based on the type of specialist service and of the applicant, calculated from the admitted expenditure, actually incurred and paid for the realization of the project;
  • Maximum support: 40,000 euros;
  • Duration of the project: maximum 12 months from the date of publication of the decree granting support.


Octagona, Already accredited supplier by the Ministry of Economic Development, from the Veneto Region, dalla Regione Emilia-Romagna e dalla Regione Lombardia per l’erogazione di servizi di international business, ha l’esperienza e le competenze giuste per costruire insieme a te un progetto export di qualità, grazie ai suoi 18 anni di esperienza nell’ambito dell’internazionalizzazione. For more information on Octagona look at our corporate video and download our company profile.

Contact us now all’indirizzo [email protected] or at the telephone number 059.9770184: you will receive all the information you need. 

What are you waiting for? Don't miss this opportunity to grow your business!  

Read also: 

The Young Entrepreneurs of Confindustria Veneto do business in India with Octagona

Octagona, a guide to India


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