Octagona Srl/Internationalization News/Sell abroad thanks to the new digital tools!
Sell abroad thanks to the new digital tools!

Sell abroad thanks to the new digital tools!

Digital technology allows your business today Of address international markets e grow your business through fast and innovative solutions: vendere all’estero con i new digital tools è un’opportunità da cogliere per rimanere competitivo e non perdere terreno. Octagona, specialized in providing internationalization services to companies, è in grado di aprirti la strada verso l’export digitale, offering you a new business perspective.



To promote the foreign trade development of your company we have created Digital Export, a package of services designed to fit your needs. The digital tools we offer for your business complement our established offline services: thanks to our experience on foreign markets and our digital skills, we provide your company with a successful model, con l’obiettivo di promuovere e far vendere i tuoi prodotti a livello internazionale, supportando la crescita della tua impresa.  



  • Valutare, analizzare e migliorare la presenza, il posizionamento e la visibilità sul web;
  • To analyze yours competitor and find new customers;
  • To measure constantly i accomplished results
  • Develop the business ecommerce

Le attività di supporto export on-line sono finanziabili attraverso un bando promosso da SIMEST. Per further information on the Digital Export service and on how to obtain such financing, contact us on the telephone number 059.9770184 or send an email to: [email protected]: you will receive all the information you need.


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