On July 27, 2023 it will be a date of great importance for Italian companies wishing to expand internationally. On that date, in fact, the application window will open SIMEST 2023 for internationalization (Fund 394) of Italian companies.
To access the subsidized loans offered by SIMEST, businesses must meet some basic requirements:
SIMEST offers different lines of intervention, each dedicated to supporting specific initiatives for the expansion of companies on international markets. Let's see in detail the main financing lines proposed:
This line of intervention is aimed at companies that intend to establish a stable presence in the reference markets for the launch and diffusion of Italian goods and/or services or for the acquisition of new markets abroad. The investment can take place through the opening of new structures in foreign countries or the strengthening of existing structures.
In this line of intervention, SIMEST encourages the participation of companies in international events, such as fairs, exhibitions or business missions, to promote Italian goods and/or services.
This financing line is dedicated to the development of electronic commerce for the distribution of Italian products on foreign markets, through the creation of new platforms or the improvement of existing ones.
SIMEST promotes internationalization projects that include specialist consultancy, feasibility studies, and obtaining certifications for company products and processes.
This line of intervention makes it possible to temporarily insert professional figures who are experts in the field of internationalization in the corporate context.
The concessions offered by SIMEST for the lines of intervention can cover up to 100% of eligible expenses. The measures consist of a subsidized loan, the amount and rate of which will be defined during the application submission phase, e a non-refundable grant up to 10% of the amount of the relief intervention, for a maximum of 100,000 euros. The minimum amount of the subsidy is 10,000 euros.
This announcement represents an unprecedented opportunity for Italian companies aiming for international expansion. Funds are limited and until exhausted. It is important to start immediately, not wait until the last moment and rely on those who have known the world of business internationalization for years.
Octagona supports successful companies that, like yours, strongly want to discover new markets and make profits. With more than 50 professionals That operate in over 40 countries, we can support you in all the activities permitted by the announcement.
Decide now what to do: write an email to [email protected] or call us on the tel: 059 9770184. You will be contacted by one of our Senior consultants to get to know us and set up the next steps without hesitation.
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