After a first short plenary session, dedicated to illustrating the attractive dynamics of the country, participating companies will have the opportunity, starting at 10 and by reservation, to meet us individually to discuss your internationalization project or more simply to receive an initial free and personalized consultation.
Thanks to its excellent ability to contain the health emergency, the South Korean economy has shown high resilience to the economic crisis.
The International Monetary Fund, in fact, estimates a 2021 economic growth rate of 2.9% for South Korea, confirming the country as the engine of a sustainable global recovery in the Asian area.
With a population of about 51 million inhabitants and a growing GDP per capita, South Korea is a country with great prospects for Made in Italy.
Textile products, clothing, fashion accessories, furniture, packaging machinery, industrial automation and agri-food technologies are the Italian production sectors with the greatest growth potential in terms of exports to South Korea.
For Octagona Srl there will be:
– Matteo Setti, Associate Consultant Octagona
– Fabio Doni, Associate Consultant Octagona Korea.
The webinar is completely free and places are limited: confirm your presence as soon as possible by signing up by clicking here!
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