Octagona Srl/Internationalization News/The recovery consolidates: the numbers continue to grow
The recovery consolidates: the numbers continue to grow

The recovery consolidates: the numbers continue to grow

3.1% is the growth of industry turnover in June 2021 (5.2% more than the previous quarter).

5% is the expected growth for Italian GDP for 2021, approximately 2% more than the German GDP.

6.8% is the jump in wine sales Italian compared to the first 12 foreign countries for wine imports, thus returning to 2019 levels. Italy outperforms compared to the market in China (+36.8%), in Germany (+9.3%) and in Russia (+29 ,4%)

11,2% growth in agri-food exports in the first half of 2021 (increase of approximately 50 billion).

25.4% is the growth of exports, according to Istat sources, in June 2021 with sustained increases in sales both towards the EU area (+27.3%) and towards non-EU markets (+23.4%). The main trading partners that have recorded greater growth are Germany, USA, France, Spain and Poland.


Fairs and events


The recovery is also demonstrated by the numerous international fairs in Italy, scheduled between September and October 2021.

Parma she left with Cibus from 31 August to 3 September;

Rimini: 500 international buyers are expected at Macfruit, the international fruit and vegetable fair which will open its doors on Tuesday 7 September;

Expo Dubai from 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022. For six months Dubai will be transformed into a global showcase in which to present innovative ideas, projects and models on mobility, sustainability and opportunities to the world;

Verona: the extraordinary edition of. will be held from 17 to 19 October Vinitaly;

Milan: on 2 and 3 December, at MiCo in Milan, the connect with the aim of giving Italian companies concrete support for their sustainable, digital and competitive development, thanks to the planning and creation of partnerships, innovative laboratories and the use of operational and monitorable tools.




Finally, important concessions and loans are available to companies eager to grow and expand, including:

Simest: the reopening is official for subsidized loans of the Fund 394/81 and related non-repayable co-financing. The loans concern internationalization projects for capitalization, participation in international fairs, Temporary Export Managers and e-Commerce.

Applications must be submitted from 9.30am on 28 October and until 6pm on 3 December 2021, unless funds run out. The share of non-repayable co-financing may be recognized up to the 25% limit of the total amount of the loan requested.

New Sabatini: active until 2025, this is a measure that helps small and medium-sized businesses obtain subsidized financing from banking institutions for the purchase or leasing of new 4.0 machinery. From 2021 to 2024 they will be allocated 97 million of Euro for each year and 47 million for 2025.


Funds are limited and run out: given the unique opportunity it is therefore important not to be caught unprepared and not to arrive late.

If you are really interested in developing your business abroad and building a quality export project, then this is the opportunity you can't miss. Octagon, with beyond 750 projects of internationalization and 20 years of experience, can be the ideal partner to grow your company's turnover and profits. Contact us by clicking below: 


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