Octagona Srl/Internationalization News/Do you want to expand your business in South Korea? Join the webinar on November 10th
Do you want to expand your business in South Korea? Join the webinar on November 10th

Do you want to expand your business in South Korea? Join the webinar on November 10th

At the end of the plenary session, for those who wish, it is It is possible to book individual meetings with Fabio Doni, Senior Associate Consultant Octagona and resident in South Korea, writing to [email protected]. The presentation will be held on the Zoom platform and the access link will be sent to those registered the day before the event. 

Below is the program of the event:

9:00 Greetings and introduction – Morena Fiorentini, Head of Internationalization Area
Confindustria Emilia

9:15 am South Korea's role in the Go Global Strategy 2021-2025 – Ruben Sacerdoti, Head of Attraction and Internationalization Service for the Emilia-Romagna Region

9:30 Non-material factors in the business approach in South Korea, Antonio Fiori – President Asia

9:45 am The opportunities for Made in Italy in the Korean macroeconomic scenario, Matteo Setti –
Octagona Senior Consultant

Do you want to participate, but you are not a member of Confindustria Emilia? At that time click here to registerthe.

If instead you are associated with Confindustria Emilia, Click here to register now to the event.

We are waiting for you!



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