Octagona Srl/Internationalization News/Export and digital transformation: the future of Italian SMEs
Export and digital transformation: the future of Italian SMEs

Export and digital transformation: the future of Italian SMEs

E’ da diversi anni ormai che si sente parlare di Digital Transformation, above all linked to the actors involved in the economic systems of all countries. 

The digital transformation is understood as a set of changes predominantly of nature technological, cultural, organisational, social and managerial, to be carried out through digital solutions, che dovrebbe attraversare tutti gli aspetti della società umana.

This kind of changes they have a strong impact on businesses, especially for SMEs, who are often faced with this radical transformation without a strategy long-term planning e without the right skills and tools, failing to exploit the great potential that digital offers. 

Nell’ultimo periodo è emerso clearly the gap of Italian small and medium enterprises in confronto alle loro pari europee e in confronto alle imprese più grandi. Secondo uno studio dell’Osservatorio Innovazione Digitale PMI del Politecnico di Milano, the digital gap between Italian SMEs and the European average stands at 37%. 

Nel momento storico che stiamo vivendo il digitale diventerà l’elemento cardine per l’export and for the restart of international trade. Indeed, the lockdown has contributed significantly to the growth of online shopping especially for those carried through systems ecommerce, marketplaces and social networks

E’ evidente quindi la necessità e l’urgenza di sviluppare delle politiche and targeted interventions that support the digital transformation of SMEscornerstone of our economy. Digitizing Italian SMEs would mean giving a strong momentum to the recovery of our economy and take advantage of the dramatic period we are living as a turning point to innovate our entrepreneurial fabric.

The Italian Government together with the MISE has recently given some very strong signals on the innovative direction that you want to give to businesses and the public administration, thanks also to the help that they will come dall’Unione Europea.  

Con l’intento di rilanciare il Made in Italy è stato sviluppato recentemente il cosiddetto “Patto per l’Export”, nel quale grande importanza è stata data alla digitization delle attività commerciali of SMEs, through partnership with important international platforms, flanking of new figures specialized in Digital Export and through the participation of companies in virtual B2B fairs and meetingsthe. 

The Mise has promoted also numerous initiatives such as la piattaforma “Strategia Digitale – Laboratorio per il futuro”, where a series of are inserted projects and content on digital policies promoted in the context of emerging technologies, ultra broadband and digital innovation

Tra le ultime novità segnaliamo il bando per la Digital Transformation which, with one allocation of 100 million euros, si pone nell’ottica di support technological transformation of the production processes of SMEs.

We remember to all interested companies that si potrà presentare la domanda for the announcement starting December 15th.


Read also:

Digital Export: which are the most popular marketplaces?

Digital Export Manager (DEM): internationalization in a digital context


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