Legal advice, tax and administrative advice

The Legal service consists of preparazione di tutta la contrattualistica per la modalità di ingresso negli USA, Canada e Messico da te scelta (supply contract, distribution contract, partner search, Temporary Export Manager) together with legal services (legal translations, legalizations, certifications and consular services) in line with local legislation. In this way sarà Octagona a occuparsi di tutto, mentre la tua azienda potrà focalizzarsi sull’espansione negli Stati Uniti.


US legislation requires the goods to be shipped from a warehouse directly located in the United States, per garantire i tempi di consegna ed evitare problemi di sdoganamento. Per questo motivo è necessario che le aziende italiane operanti nel mercato statunitense si avvalgano della presenza di un magazzino in loco. Octagona può support you in finding a location in line with your needs, individuando la tipologia (3PL, magazzino free trade), la location e predisponendo un’analisi di fattibilità per aiutarti a operare con la massima serenità negli Stati Uniti.

Supply Chains

In un mondo sempre più complesso aiutiamo la tua azienda a overcome supply interruptions and price increases, evaluating and identifying the best suppliers for you. We support you in defining and adopting solutions aimed at snellimento della produzione e all’incremento dei profitti. Specifically, we deal with evaluation of new supply areas, research, supplier evaluation and selection, vendor rating e controllo e assicurazione della qualità.

Temporary Export Manager

Il Temporary Export Manager (TEM) è rivolto ad imprenditori e aziende che desiderano espandere il loro business all'estero, esplorare nuovi mercati e increase their trading strength to gain profits. The service of Temporary Export Manager in these three countries offers a wide range of services, including realizzazione di business plan, piani export, ricerche di mercato e studi di fattibilità. For your commercial development offriamo il nostro supporto per la ricerca di partner in target e qualificati, organizzazione di reti di vendita, gestione degli acquisti e attività di marketing internazionale.


Canada represents an extremely attractive market for Italian companies that are interested in directing their exports abroad.

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Selling in Mexico

Selling in Mexico represents a great opportunity for many Italian companies that export. We can help you expand your business in this resourceful country.

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If you want to explore new opportunities on the US market, Octagona can accompany you in building a successful strategic path for your growth in the US.

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Successful case studies

Octagona has successfully structured various business internationalization projects in line with individual needs and requirements in order to facilitate their international expansion process and Made in Italy exports around the world.


NCS Lab Srl

NCS Lab Srl provides analysis, consulting and engineering services for materials, components and processes in various industries.

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