The 3 June reopen the door SIMEST, which last year allowed exporting companies to obtain grants up to €320,000 and subsidized loans up to €480,000. The grants cover expenses for:
· Capitalisation
· Participation to Exhibitions International
· Opening branches abroad
· Temporary Export Manager
· Ecommerce
· Studies of Feasibility
· Programs Technical assistance abroad
Funds are limited and until exhaustion. It is important to start immediately, not wait until the last moment and rely on those who have known the world of business internationalization for years.
The funds will be allocated to ICE, the Italian foreign trade agency for the implementation of the plan.
– 605 million euros total (2021-2024)
– 151,4 million euros per year
– 32 million annually for the creation of promotional initiatives on foreign markets
– 30 million annually for Italian trade fairs of international significance
– 20 millions per year for startups, micro, small, medium enterprises in the form of vouchers, even non-repayable
– 20 million annually for SME e-commerce
– 15 millions per year for large-scale distribution to increase market shares in priority countries for Made in Italy
– 10 million per year for training and education on the opportunities of foreign markets
– 10 millions per year for strategic promotional campaigns in the agri-food sector
– 8 million per year for the productions of excellence
– 4 million annually to attract foreign investment
– 2,4 million per year for micro and SMEs to participate in European and international tenders
ATTENTION! However, companies that want to seize this opportunity must be careful. The danger number one in this type of situation, many consultancy companies will offer their services in order to "get on the bandwagon" without having real experience in business internationalization.
Octagon, with more than 50 professionals who operate in over 40 countries, supports successful companies that, like yours, strongly want discover new markets and profit from them. If you are really interested in developing your business abroad, and building a quality export project then this is the opportunity you can't miss.
Click below, fill out the form and we will contact you to listen to your idea and study the best solution together.
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