Octagona Srl/Events/India Day with Confindustria Trento
India Day with Confindustria Trento

India Day with Confindustria Trento

Are you interested in exploring new business opportunities? You are a company associated with Confindustria Trento? Then take part inIndia Day, a day of free individual consultancy meetings, organized by Confindustria Trento and Trentino Export in close collaboration with Octagona Srl, the September 28th in online mode, every 45 minutes starting from 9.00 am.

The Indian market confirms itself to be one of the most interesting and promising in which to invest.

  • India is a stable country on a political and social level;
  •  It is one of the most expanding Asian countries, with economic growth exceeding over the last 20 years
    the annual 6%;
  • Italian exports to India are growing in all sectors;
  • Major infrastructure development policies are underway by the Indian government;
  • The wage level is lower than that of China and many companies have chosen India as a hub for the Asian area, creating centers specialized in various sectors.

To manage the East Asian markets, the Association has been collaborating for three years with Octagona Srl, a structure specialized in consultancy support for companies for expansion on foreign markets, with consolidated experience in particular in India. Octagona will be able to help Trentino companies expand their business in India, also thanks to its direct presence in the country with its own offices and specialized local staff.

Companies interested in book a reserved slot for free individual consultation, are invited to notify it no later than 21 September 2022 to the Association's Foreign Markets Area (dr. Nicolò Andreini, tel. 0461 360092; [email protected]), who remains available for information or clarifications.


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