India Experience Tour 2024

Get the keys to the country with the highest economic growth expected over the next decade. L’India Experience Tour è il viaggio in India organizzato da Octagona per vivere una full immersion di 5 giorni, from 6 to 10 May 2024, e toccare con mano le grandi opportunità di business del gigante asiatico. Un’occasione unica per meet entrepreneurs and experts in the country, visit factories and observe successful production processes attraverso l’esperienza di chi fa veramente la differenza in questo mercato.

Company constitution

Octagona mette a tua disposizione una serie di soluzioni per l’apertura di un Liaison Office (liaison office), Branch Office (representative office) or one società di diritto locale (commercial and/or production branch). This way you can activate a local garrison, in conformità con le normative locali e nel più breve tempo possibile, che garantisca l’ingresso sul mercato di riferimento al fine di accedere al mercato o consolidate your business. Additionally, Octagona provides its own support for the legal part of company formation in India, such as management of contracts, the drafting of articles of association and statutes, the opening of bank accounts, the issuing of shares and their distribution on the market.

Legal advice, tax and administrative advice

Octagona può aiutare la tua azienda in legal, fiscal and administrative matters with services relating to the keeping of accounting records, drafting of financial statements and reporting statements, management and reporting of direct and indirect taxes. In this way, you will be able to obtain detailed and updated information to support your internationalization strategy, in order to adopt the best solutions for the growth of your turnover and evitando così problematiche con le autorità locali ed italiane.

Search for counterparts

Octagona has created a program to search for qualified partners and counterparts in target with the needs of your business. The research is carried out by one of our teams present directly on Indian territory, to guarantee the best possible final result. Furthermore, through periodic meetings and adequate reports, in ogni momento saprai esattamente chi è stato contattato e qual è lo stato dei lavori. Affidandoti a Octagona, you will be able to find many new distributors in India, with whom you can start a partnership for the sale of your products on the market.

Business Plans

Octagona può supportarti nella predisposizione di un accurato business plan, volto alla valutazione della sostenibilità economica e finanziaria del progetto ed alla costruzione di un’operazione di successo all’interno del mercato target. In particolare, analizzeremo i fattori interni all’azienda (prodotti, clienti attuali, e altri importanti parametri) e different locations based on critical factors identified by you (disponibilità risorse umane, base clienti e fornitori, costo della posizione, logistica). Predisporremo infine uno studio di fattibilità dei costi per verificare che il set-up dell’unità produttiva sia sostenibile sia nel breve che nel lungo periodo. L’obiettivo è quello di ridurre i rischi, garantire il successo e consentirti di poter avviare in tutta tranquillità la tua nuova sede produttiva in India.

India China flag

Do you want to internationalize your business in a country with great potential like India? We put at your disposal a series of tailor-made services to grow in the Indian market.

Scopri di piÙ

Successful case studies

Octagona has successfully structured various business internationalization projects in line with individual needs and requirements in order to facilitate their international expansion process and Made in Italy exports around the world.


Teknofanghi Srl

Teknofanghi Srl is an Italian company founded in 1987, specialized in the design, development and production of systems for the dehydration of


Fiori Group SpA

Fiori Group Spa is one of the leading Italian companies in the production and development of self-loading concrete mixers, dump trucks for the construction industry


MecVel Srl

MecVel Ltd. has been manufacturing and marketing linear actuators and mechanical jacks since the 1980s. The company is among the benchmarks.


Coveme SpA

Coveme SpA, a leading Italian company in the photovoltaic industry, manufactures and markets plastic films and electrical insulators.


Modula SpA

Modula SpA is an Italian company that produces and manufactures automated vertical storage systems.

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