"Internationalization strategies": the Octagona module within the ICE Master

“Strategie di Internazionalizzazione”: il modulo di Octagona all’interno del Master ICE

Avviare attività di internazionalizzazione e di export diventa sempre più importante. Nel contesto economico attuale, l'export

The tender of the Emilia-Romagna Region is now open: don't miss the opportunity to sell abroad!

The call for tenders from the Emilia-Romagna Region opens: don't miss the opportunity to sell abroad!

L'attuale contesto economico è particolarmente favorevole per il made in Italy: il nostro export fa

Assolodi in India thanks to the Business Mission organized by Octagona

Assolodi in India thanks to the Business Mission organized by Octagona

Octagona is once again a protagonist on the Indian market, confirming its role as a leading company

Emilia-Romagna Region tender for exports: new sectors admitted to obtain funding

Emilia-Romagna Region tender for exports: new sectors admitted to obtain funding

Nello scorso mese di marzo, la Regione Emilia-Romagna ha lanciato un bando per favorire l’export

CDO International Day: Octagona meets companies interested in India

CDO International Day: Octagona meets companies interested in India

Are you a company interested in exporting to India? Then join the CDO International Day organized by

How to organize an Export Office? Octagona talks about it in a course organized by Bergamo Sviluppo and NIBI

How to organize an Export Office? Octagona talks about it in a course organized by Bergamo Sviluppo and NIBI

Un ufficio estero di un’azienda deve essere il giusto presupposto per iniziare, sviluppare o governare

Get financed for export: the new tender of the Lombardy Region supports your project!

Get financed for export: the new tender of the Lombardy Region supports your project!

The new tender of the Lombardy Region has been released. With a view to supporting companies that

Revolving fund L. 394/81: Octagona helps you to finance the project

Revolving fund L. 394/81: Octagona helps you to finance the project

You want to increase your business and participate in international fairs to make yours known

India: business easier thanks to a very important tax simplification

India: business easier thanks to a very important tax simplification

  A very important new tax legislation in India launched by the Indian Government for growth.

ICE relied on Octagona for teaching on the preparation of a Business Plan

ICE relied on Octagona for teaching on the preparation of a Business Plan

Avviare attività di internazionalizzazione e di export all’estero diventa sempre più importante, per questo serve

Modula SpA opens its office in India thanks to Octagona

Modula SpA opens its office in India thanks to Octagona

A new successful project for Octagona on the Indian market. The company, a point of reference

Octagona talks about India in the Igami Master of Ca' Foscari 2

Octagona talks about India in the Igami Master of Ca' Foscari 2

Octagona di nuovo partner di Ca’ Foscari Challenge School per far conoscere le potenzialità del